The school initiative AMAHORO Burundi


The school initiative makes the partnership between Burundi and Baden-Württemberg tangible! Stimulating materials for educational work, creative projects, further training, encounters and school partnerships bring common learning spaces to life!

The school initiative AMAHORO! Burundi


Country partnership makes school!

A partnership between Burundi and Baden-Württemberg has existed since the 1980s. In both countries, this partnership is supported and sustained by political actors as well as numerous civil society organisations and initiatives.
The school initiative AMAHORO! Burundi wants to give the partnership more visibility and create learning spaces, especially in school contexts. To this end, measures for information and education work are accompanied, planned, tested and implemented. In different formats, offers and encounters, people deal with topics and questions in the context of the partnership and learn together.
In doing so, we build on existing (school) partnerships that have developed over the years. We involve actors and network them. We cooperate with programmes such as CHAT der WELTEN and the BNE-Kompass. An important project partner is the Stiftung Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Baden-Württemberg (SEZ), which has provided competent support for the country partnership for many years.
The school initiative AMAHORO! Burundi is accompanied by the One World promoters for Global Learning Gundula Büker and Kafalo Sékongo.

Contact us!

Coordinator of The school initiative AMAHORO! Burundi at EPIZ:

Divine Umulisa

Tel. +49 (0) 1629 093199

Funded and supported by

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