4 + 17 = Learning Sustainability Together BW-SL

EPiZ and the "Sierra Leone Adult Education Association" SLADEA combine their competences and pedagogical experiences in the project "4 + 17 = Learning Sustainability Together BW-SL". From April 2021 - March 2022 they organize and moderate educational partnerships between schools or development NGOs in Baden-Württemberg and educational institutions in Sierra Leone.


„4 + 17 – Learning Sustainability Together Württemberg – Sierra Leone“

Teilnehmerinnen eines Alphabetisierungskurses in einem Schulhof in Sierra Leone, in bunten Kleidern teils mit traditionellen und/oder muslimischen Kopftüchern, mit Koordinatorin Sigrid Schell-Straub

The project coordinates 15 educational partnerships between 15 country-wide branches of SLADEA (Sierra Leone Adult Education Association) in Sierra Leone, and 8 Global Classrooms, 6 schools and one migrant organisation in Baden-Württemberg.

The title of the project refers to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4, "Quality Education for All", and 17, "Strengthening Global Partnerships to Reach the Goals".

Its central elements are:

  • The partners are getting to know each other, their common values, principles and goals.
  • They learn from each other on eye-level. Interactive, participatory and holistic learning approaches are being used.
  • The partners agree on specific topics related to sustainability (e.g. climate change, gender justice, health in times of COVID 19, peaceful conflict transformation...) which are interesting for all, and which...
  • they examine together in online exchange formats, and possibly design and implement model actions together/simultaneously.

The first round of the project, which has been financially supported by SEZ, concluded in the end of March 2022, with an online event where all partners come together and share their learnings and future ideas. On this basis, a new round of exchanges was set off in autumn 2022. If you are interested to join, do contact us!

Contact Us!

Coordinators of "4+17" at EPiZ:

Kafalo Sékongo and Sigrid Schell-Straub


Porträt von Kafalo Sékongo


Sigrid Schell-Straub in Sierra Leone im Grünen, in einem schwarzen Trägerkleid mit großen Pflanzenornamenten.

Funded and supported by

Numerous private donors and:
Logos SEZ bwirkt, Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg