CHAT between WORLDS is an educational programme, which facilitates for people all over the world to interact and learn with and from each other. EPiZ is the coordination agency for the programme in the state of Baden-Württemberg.


CHAT between WORLDS is an educational programme, funded by the Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development, Germany, under the umbrella programme "Bildung trifft Entwicklung" (Education Meets Development).

CHAT between WORLDS projects get people all over the world interacting and promote shared learning with and from each other. Children, young people and individuals in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Southeast Europe can engage with school classes in Germany with the aim of talking with, rather than about, each other. The exchanges take place online.

CHAT between WORLDS can overcome geographical distances by using online communication, creating a space for encounters, dialogue and learning from and with one another. The lifestyles of the participants are discussed during the CHATs, along with global challenges, such as climate change and its local impact. The kinds of questions posed during a CHAT might be “How do you get to school in the morning and how long does it take you? What fruit and vegetables are grown in your neighbourhood? Who consumes them? What are the environmental issues in your area?” Through virtual exchanges, the participants can learn about each other’s everyday lives and discuss their views of global contexts and topics.

CHAT between WORLDS aims at students aged 10 and above. The CHATs are usually conducted in English, French, Spanish or German, depending on the participants’ language skills.

CHAT between WORLDS applies teaching methods of the global learning approach. These provide the basis for an educational process that promotes informed, globally responsible action. CHAT between WORLDS projects aim to improve the participants’ ability to see things from another perspective and reflect on their own actions and values.

A CHAT can be synchronous (simultaneous) via video conference or asynchronous (alternating), such as via video messages or online notice boards.

There are also two forms of CHATs: Student CHATs and Expert CHATs. Teachers and youth group supervisors should use Student CHATs to take part in a CHAT between WORLDS project.

Alternatively, you can also take part in CHAT between WORLDS as an expert. In an Expert CHAT, a class of students from Germany can ask questions on a predefined topic – and the expert can ask the students questions and set them assignments.

If you are interested in being partner of our programme, please contact our coordinators!

Contact Us!

Coordinators of "CHAT between WORLDS" at EPiZ:

Johanna Menzinger and Christian Fulterer.

Funded and supported by

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