Projects and Programmes at EPiZ

Bildung trifft Entwicklung (Education meets Development):

EPiZ is the coordinator of the German-wide programme "Bildung trifft Entwicklung" in the state of Baden-Württemberg. This is our largest programme which coordinates over 1000 educational events per year, with our large group of - mostly international - facilitators

BNE-Kompass (Compass on Education for Sustainable Development):

This project runs a platform on state-wide non-formal education events and offers, with a focus on sustainability.


This programme under the umbrella of "Bildung trifft Entwicklung" coordinates educational online exchange formats between actors in Germany and the Global South. English website available

Eine-Welt-Promotor*innen-Programm (One World Promotors Programme):

The One World Promotors are networkers, coaches, multiplicators and experts that strengthen local and regional initiatives, cooperation and partnerships on sustainable development of our societies. EPiZ hosts a One-World-Promotor position with the focus on "Global Learning".

Library and Media Service:

Our library holds books, games and pedagogical material on numerous topics related to global learning and sustainable development. We also lend out toolkits on specific topics (e.g. mobile phones and resources, the journey of chocolate, an expedition into biodiversity...) and a huge tarp with a "fair" world map, to play on. Also, we collect old mobile phones and organise their recycling.

KITA-Projects (projects in the context of children's day-care centres):

With several projects, EPiZ supports educators to start the journey of global learning and learning for sustainability already with our youngest children. Storytelling workshops, international partnerships, educator trainings and the development of materials and criteria to be a "fair day-care centre" are just a few of the activities in this regard.

Schulinitiative Amahoro Burundi

A partnership between Burundi and Baden-Württemberg has existed since the 1980s. In both countries, this partnership is supported and sustained by political actors as well as numerous civil society organisations and initiatives.The school initiative AMAHORO! Burundi wants to give the partnership more visibility and create learning spaces, especially in school contexts.

Whole Institution Approach in teacher training:

We bring together experts from formal teacher training seminars in Baden-Württemberg, to develop didactics on sustainable development with a "Whole Institution Approach" - and to implement it directly in the context of teacher training facilities.


The project "Vivas!" aims to give young people an understanding of climate change, climate policy and sustainability in a local and global context through the medium of art. It is aimed at young people from Göppingen (Baden-Württemberg) and Villa Ballester (Argentina) and is expected to run until the end of 2023.

4+17 = Learning Sustainability Together:

Together with our partner SLADEA in Sierra Leone, we set up and accompany educational partnerships between educational facilities in Sierra Leone and Baden-Württemberg. English website available

"DEAL with it":

Together with three EU partners, with this EU project we offer a plattform for youth to engage in climate policy. English website available


You can find out more about our current projects in German on their specific sites linked to the Post-It's below, and about our projects that involve international (English speaking) partners in the project's drop-down menu. We are sorry that we are not able at this point to translate all our contents, and cannot offer versions in more languages.