EPiZ Publications in English

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Global annual planner 2022

Here you'll find the poster of our global annual planner 2022, focusing on climate justice, in English and German.

"Climate justice" questions existing social inequalities, colonial continuities, and globalized ways of life which are lacking solidarity. Societies that primarily cause climate change, struggle less with the destructive effects on people and nature. In contrast, those people who contribute least to climate change will continue to suffer the most in the future. South African climate justice activists show with the "Climate Justice Charter": Where do we need to take action to achieve deep and just transition? Our mind map builds on their impulses and encourages discourses about climate justice. The digital accompanying material provides background information and presents possibilities for educational work:

(a) Images of global Climate Justice

(b) Together for Climate Justice

The calendar page of the planner contains numerous cultural and religious holidays from all over the world as well as international remembrance days, with a huge world map in realistic proportions in the background.

Send an E-Mail to bestellung@epiz.de to order a planner.

Global how? (2016)

This manual aims at supporting trainers in making people fit for facilitating Global Learning processes in various contexts.

Download here in English (3.9 MB)

Or send an E-Mail to bestellung@epiz.de to order a printed manual.